Who is involved in the Population Census

The census will be a co-operative effort between the National Population Census Council, the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) in the North and the Southern Sudan Centre for Census, Statistics and Evaluation (SSCCSE) in the South. Technical support is being provided by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

Funding for the population census is being provided by the Government of National Unity and the Multi-Donor Trust Fund. There are also several census committees that will influence and monitor the census process.

Working with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

The UNFPA is mandated by the Sudan Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) to provide technical support to Sudan to conduct the population census in November 2007. The UNFPA Population Census Support Unit focuses on the coordination between Northern and Southern parties, capacity building in Census procedures and methodologies, and advocacy. In doing so, activities should take into account the need to have common guidelines and methodologies in the Northern and Southern Sudan and the peculiarities of census preparation implementation in each region.

Organizational Structure and Census Committees (can all be posted on one page)

The Population Census Council (PCC):

This council which has been established by Presidential Decree in January 2006 is the apex of the census planning and organisation system. It approves all procedures, instruments and budgets for the census. It will also be responsible for approving and announcing the final census results. The Director General of the Central Bureau of Statistics is the National Controller for the census while the Director General of the SSCCSE is the Deputy Controller for the census. Both are members of the council.

The Population Census Council (PCC)
Members Position
H.E Minister of President Affairs Chairperson
H.E.Minister of Cabinet Affairs Members
H.E.Minister of Federal Governance Bureau Members
H.E.Minister of Finance GNU Members
H.E.Minister Finance ,GOSS Members
Representative Of National Assembly Members
Representative Of the council of states Members
General Director CBS Members
General Director SSCSE Member/Deputy Rapp
Four Expertise to be assigned by president Members

Duties & Responsibilities:

According to Article 215, the Population Census Council shall:

  1. Plan for the population census
  2. Set standards and criteria for the Central Bureau of Statistics and population census
  3. Follow-up on the preparations leading to the population census and oversee the actual census operation
  4. Report to the Presidency and the High National Population Census Committee regarding the population census
The National Technical Committee (NTC)
Members Position
The CBS General Director. Chairperson
The SSCSE General Director Deputy Chairperson
Director of Computer Center of SSCSE Members
Director of Computer Center of CBS Members
Director of the Economic and Financial Statistics Members
Directorate of the CBS Members
Director of the Statistical Coordination and Field Work at CBS Members
Director of the Administrative and Financial affairs at CBS Members
National Census Consultant Members
Director of the Census Field Operations at the CBS Members
Director of the Census Technical Administration at the CBS Rapporteur
Senior Statistician SSCCSE Deputy Rapporteur
Director of the Statistical Coordination and Field Members
Work at SSCSE Members
Director of the Administrative and Financial affairs at SSCSE Members
Director of the Census Field Operations Southern Sudan Members
Director of Development Department Federal Members
Ministry of Finance Member
Representative of the National Population Council Member
Representative of the Federal Governance Bureau Member
Representative of the Federal Ministry of laboradministrative reform Member
Representative of the National Health information Member
Center, Federal Ministry of Health Member
Director of the Educational Planning Directorate Member
Director of the Agricultural Statistics Directorate, Member
Federal Ministry of Agriculture Member

Duties & Responsibilities:

  1. Review plans, budgets and timetable of the population census operations,
  2. Submit population census plans to the Population Census Council.
  3. Review and finalize all census tools (Questionnaires, Manuals, Concepts and definitions, Training plan and Methodology, etc) and submit them to the PCC.
  4. Technical supervision of the census operations including geographic and data collection field operations, data processing, analysis and evaluation.
  5. Ensure adoption and implementation of all quality measures and standards throughout the country.
  6. Submit the census results to the PCC.
  7. Members of the committee to advocate for Census as an important tool for decision making in their respective institutions.
The Financial Committee (FC)
Members Position
The Under-Secretary, Federal Ministry of Finance Chairperson
The Under-Secretary of the Ministry of International cooperation Member
The Under-Secretary, Ministry of Finance Southern Sudan Government Deputy Chairperson
Under-Secretary of the Accounts Bureau, National Ministry of Finance Member
Under-Secretary of the Auditor General Chamber Member
Census Director, CBS Member
Census Director, SSCSE Member
Manager, Administration and Finance CBS Rapporteur

Duties & Responsibilities:

  1. To ensure flow of all financial requirements according to the census operations timetable.
  2. To coordinate with the donors to ensure timely flow of financial resources
  3. To authorize census expenses as needed
  4. To supervise auditing and ensure compliance with accounting guidelines and procedures.
  5. To open separate Bank Accounts for the census.
  6. To report to the Population Census Council.
Advocacy and Publicity Committee (APC)
Members Position
The Under Secretary of Information & Communication Chairperson
Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Information, Southern Sudan Government Deputy Chairperson
General Director of Corporation of Radio and TV Member
Director General Sudan Academy for Communication Sciences Member
Director, Information and Public Relations of CBS Member & Rapporteur
Director of Communication and Public Relation SSCCSE Member & Assistant Rapporteur
Representative of the National Radio Broadcast Station Member
Representative of the National Television Station Member
Director of the Southern Sudan Television Member
Director of the Southern Sudan Radio (Member) Member
Representative of Sudan News Agency, SUNA Member
Representative of the National Journalism Council Member
Representative of Southern Sudan Journalists Association Member
Representative of the Journalists Association Member
Representative of the Artists Association Member
Representative of the Dramatists Association Member
Representative of the Religious Affairs and Endowments Member
Representative of Sudan Council of Churches Member
Representative of Association of Singers and Musicians Member

Duties & Responsibilities:

  1. Preparation of the general strategy for the media campaign in support of the census.
  2. Solicit and mobilize support all means of media and communication for the census operation.
  3. Enlightenment of the public and solicit public cooperation with the workers in the census operations.
  4. Work closely with the State Advocacy and Publicity committees.
  5. Periodically reporting on its performance to the Population Census Council
Monitoring and Observers Committee (MOC):
Members Position
Representative of the Council of States Chair
Representative of all States. Member
Representatives of the related civil society organizations (Farmers Union,Women Union, Labor Union, Nomads Union, Traditional authority). Member
Representatives (5) of Academic Institutions (Faculties/Departments of Statistics and/or Population Studies) Member
Representative of Sudan Demographers Association Member
Representative of the NGOs Member
Representative of United Nations Population Division Member
Representative of Economic Commission for Africa. Member
Representative of the World Bank Member
Representative of the African Development Bank Member
Representatives from two National Statistical Offices in the region Member
Representative of United States Agency for International Development Member
Representative of Department For International Development Member
Representative, League of Arab States Member
Representative, African Union Member
Representative of DANIDA Member
Representative, European Union Member
Representative of French Cooperation Member
Representatives of Political Parties Member
Representatives(3)of University Professors; one of them to be the Rapporteur

Any member of this committee is not to be a member of any other census committee.

Duties & Responsibilities:

  1. Monitor and observe the census execution operations at all stages and levels
  2. Ensure compliance with census established criteria and standards.
  3. Ensure comprehensive coverage
  4. Ensure transparency of all census procedures and operations
  5. Provide regular reports including recommendations when necessary to the PCC.
  6. Provide report on the final census results to the PCC.
  7. Provide technical advice to the PCC in writing when necessary.

Southern Sudan Population Census Committee (SSPCC):

Duties & Responsibilities:

  1. The highest authority for the conduct of the census in Southern Sudan.
  2. Mobilization of all Goss Institutions, Southern Sudan States, UN Agencies & NGOs operating in Southern Sudan to support the census
  3. Overseeing performance and receiving progress reports from Southern Sudan Census Executive Committee and its sub committees at the State level.
  4. Ensure implementation of all the established census procedures and operations in Southern Sudan.
  5. Share reports with the PCC

State Population Census Committee (SPCC):

To be headed by the state Governor and is composed of the State Ministers and their equivalents in the population census council.

Duties & Responsibilities:

  1. The highest authority for the conduct of the census in the State.
  2. Mobilization of all State Institutions, UN Agencies & NGOs operating in the respective State to support the census
  3. Overseeing performance and receiving progress reports from the State Executive Census Committee and its sub committees (Field operations and technical operations committees).
  4. Ensure implementation of all the established census procedures and operations in the respective State.
  5. Share reports with the PCC; in case of Southern Sudan, through the Southern Sudan Population Census.