Governing Bodies & Management

The Commission will be governed by a Board of Directors, which will be the highest
policy making body of the Commission. The Chairperson of the Board and the Deputy
Chairperson shall be appointed by the President of the GoSS on renewable terms. The
members of the Board will be representatives of key institutions within the Southern
Sudan including major producers and users of official statistics such as GoSS ministries
and other public service institutions, the business community, women, civil society and

The functions of the Board are to:
set policies, objectives and guidelines;
set priorities and annual performance targets for the Commission;
review and evaluate the performance of the Commission;
assess and approve the annual reports and accounts of the Commission;
oversee the process of realizing the vision and strategic goals of the Commission;
raise resources for the implementation of the programs of the Commission;
protect the independence and autonomy of the Commission;
co-ordinate the statistical systems in Southern Sudan,
protect fundamental values and principles of official statistics;
approve the annual budget of the Commission

The Commission will also have an Advisory Committee which will be appointed, on
renewable terms of three years, by the President, on recommendation of the Chairperson.
It will be headed by The Chief Advisor. The Committee will comprise of twelve
members, three of whom shall be women. The twelve shall represent professionals,
academia, research institutions and technical groups.
The functions of the Advisory Committee are to:
Advise the Commission on measures, methodologies, concepts and approaches to
statistical systems and statistical work plans
Act as a bridge between the professionals and academia on one hand and
professional staff of the Commission on the other;
Evaluate the quality of statistical information and services provided by the

Assist the Commission in the implementation of some of its programs and
Advise the Chairperson on any other statistical issues.