The Household Budget Survey (HBS) and the Light Monitoring Survey (LMS)

The Household Budget Survey (HBS)


The Southern Sudan Commission for Census, Statistics and Evaluation (SSCCSE) will carry out the Household Budget Survey (HBS) in each of the four quarters of 2007. The survey will be carried out in the Juba, with market prices collected in Juba, Wau and Malakal.

The information collected will be used to establish the ‘basket’ of indicator products and the weights of each indicator product or group of indicator products. The basket and weights will later be used for the calculation of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Due to the small size of sample, both in respect of households visited and by number of towns included, the findings may only be used as preliminary figures pending the completion of the Census and the establishment of a complete sampling frame carrying out of another HBS. Also since the first round of HBS will be conducted in parallel with the preparations for the Census, it is considered important to keep the survey activity at a minimum level in order not to take focus and resources away from the census work.


The Light Monitoring Survey (LMS)


The Light Monitoring Survey (LMS) is part of the effort of the Southern Sudan Commission for Census, Statistics and Evaluation (SSCCSE) in providing information for the management of the country economy and society. The LMS is designed to collect the minimum amount of information needed to identify and classify target groups and provide basic welfare indicators for monitoring poverty alleviation programs. The questionnaire is purposefully concise, and is designed to collect in addition to households’ characteristics, information which measures access to and utilization of social services. The survey uses a method developed by a group of donors and institutions including the World Bank, the ILO, UNICEF and UNDP. The form is designed for a technique of optical reading that permits fast processing of the data and a timely release of the results.

The objectives of the LMS include:

  • Elaborating main indicators for social welfare and basic needs of the socio-economic-groups.
  • Identifying target groups to benefit from special action programs designed by decision makers to address their needs.
  • Monitoring changes happening in the households’ welfare over time and
  • Providing a database for social research.